Thursday, April 22, 2010

Graduation Trip 2 Prague w/ Chris

Quit a long time ago, Christoph and me were graduated with almost all our family attending the ceremony. On the next day, it was just the two of us who departed by train to Prague. On the last chance we booked a cheap hotel and jumped on the train with 2 Six-Pack's. After the long trip with a broken train and a very hot Czech train we finally arrived in the Capitol of Czech Republic.

With our hotel we were really lucky, because due to overbooking we got moved to a different but better one - At the Three Storcks.

We did some sightseeing with a lot of warm-soup-with-beer-breaks because of very chilly weather. In the evenings we headed out for some more beers paired with good Czech food and after that some partying.

One evening in Prague: First you go to U Fleku for a traditional beer and food. Then you go to Blue Light Bar for a mood starting drink, where you can get a cocktail for 5€. After that you can head to Chapeau Rouge for another drink, where there are already dancing and people are in good mood. Don't go to the clubs where not much going on and it is expensive and people are unfriendly too! For the hangover I can recommend CafĂ© Savoy, where you find besides to coffee and cakes also other great food!

Of all the spectacular monuments and buildings I don't have to remember, because you can read it in guide better. Charles bridge is very great and the old city is also very great, because as almost the whole city everything is very clean!

Of course on a graduation trip we really don't care about watching old things! ;-)


1 comment:

  1. time you go check this blog too. all the best
