Actually it should only be an insane 8 days trip! Why insane? Because you if you leave Oberwart at 2pm CET and you arrive on the next day at 3pm CET at your destination you are really insane to travel so far for this short time period. But still we thought to have a very intense time! A lot of surfing, relaxing, shopping and eating without sightseeing at all.
Now we did find a nice accommodation -
Ramayana Resort & Spa - and the beach was also not far away. So a perfect fit for us!
Kuta beach where is the right place to learn Nadine surfing, is really the dirtiest beach we ever saw, but the waves where really constantly coming and really good! So we had fun for few days and few hours until it started to rain on Sunday evening, which first didn't matter because we were supposed to leave on Monday evening anyway! But then we got informed at the check-in that your flight was canceled because Denpasar didn't had the information that Vienna airport is operating again. It came 1h too late. So as all flights to Vienna from Doha where booked out the gave as next flight on Monday, 26th. Exactly one week later, which makes as a 2 weeks vacation, which is a perfect fit for such destination. ;-)
Now we booked a different hotel, which we almost decided to book for the first week, but then choose different.
Dekuta Hotel is a brand new hotel, which is even closer to the beach and to the city, but without Balinese atmosphere and style .
2nd week started completely different, because when the first week was almost without rain, the second starting with 3 days of raining all day. Locals told us, that raining season got delayed by the global heating,which sounds rather confusing for me?!
On Thursday was the first day we could go to the beach again due to a sunny sky without any clouds. So we decided to visit again (after Sunday) the most beautiful beach in south Bali -
Geger Beach.
Rest of the week was pretty much the same!
Pics will follow...
Great trip with enough time thx to vulcano!