Since I didn't make any pictures at the wedding, I wanted to wait until I receive some official, but it seems that it takes longer than expected.
As you can imagine, a wedding of a family member is always nice and great. Why? Because you now the majority of the guests and you don't have to feel always wrong in place. That's the good part, but the other side is a lot of work, if the couple believes a wedding up on a hill, Hannersberg, in a tent is better than booking a hotel where everything will be prepared for you. So, as it turned out Andy's brother, me!!!, had to work his a… off. Sounds familiar! So I had a hard time, but also 4 great days of celebrating a wedding - 2 days official and 1 unofficial bachelor party and the wedding itself. :-D the result was a lot of fun, gaining some kilos and a free pass for the next months to stay at the mansion in Neustiftgasse 131.
Take care,